Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Summer Swimming Lessons!

We are in the middle of our Summer Swimming Lessons and I wanted to take pics of the kids in their new suits! We didn't do it at the pool because.... Baby Girl is faster than lightening and I didn't want to chase after her with a camera in my hand!

Kermit and Miss Piggy are in a Level 1 after completing their pre swim class last year. They are doing very well! They are actually swimming which in the few little moments I get a chance to see them, they are amazing!!!

Baby Girl is in a parent/toddler class which means I get to jump in and get wet too!!! Of all the kids in the class, Baby Girl is the most comfortable in the water and she is probably the youngest! I'm very proud of her! However she would prefer if I didn't hold on to her, but since we are in 3-4ft deep water I'm going to ignore her request! Her favorite part seems to be jumping into the water to me! We work on using cue's so she doesn't just jump in without someone's attention. So I say, "Ready, Set" and she says, "JUMP!!!" And today she tried taking a few steps back and running to jump in the pool. She's a little dare devil!

We can't take any picture without Kermit being silly...

1 comment:

Gina Sims said...

Adorable swimsuits! Sounds like a lot of fun! My kids love swimming lessons! When Courtney was a baby the first time we did parent/child she screamed the entire 1st class, all but 5 minutes of the second, it gradually got better until she was just like baby girl! Now she is like a little fish!