Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Happy 34th Birthday, Master Chief!

This week we celebrated our Daddy's 34th Birthday!!! Here are 34 things about our dad.
1- He likes to tease
2- He loves to listen to music
3- He sings in the shower
4- He is a hard worker
5- He loves to play X Box (suprise there, huh!)
6- He prefers Mayo over Miracle Whip
7- He loves to fish
8- He wishes he could hunt more
9- He likes to keep things clean and organized
10- He likes to get the mail like Mama does, and he'll race her to the mailbox
11-He is a farm boy
12- He loves to play board games
13- He hates to run
14- His dream is to design something and get a patent
15- He loves cheesecake
16- He hates rollercoasters
17- He has a firm testimony of our Savior
18- He has a soft spot in his heart for his girls
19- He loves to have one on one time with Kermit
20- There isn't much in the way of food that he doesn't like
21- He doesn't like breakfast for dinner
22- Mt Dew is his favorite drink
23- He likes to take things apart and fix them, especially electronics
24- He is working very hard to earn a 2nd degree in Engineering
25- He loves to be outdoors
26- He always puts his family first
27- He is extremely generous and giving to others
28- He loves to just play with his kids, soccer in the street, games at the table, takes them to the movies
29- He would love to take Mama to Europe
30- He loves to sleep in
31- He loves jerky
32- He loves it when the kids ask to rub his feet with lotion
33- He tells some hilarious stories of growing up with his brothers and sisters. (I'm not sure how any of them survived each other's 'ideas')
34- He would love a pet skunk

I could go on and on! Master Chief is the most amazing man. He is the world's best father, most supportive husband and a dedicated worker. We love him with all our hearts and are so thankful to have him as our Dad.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Kermit FINALLY lost a tooth!

Kermit has been so patient in waiting to even have a loose tooth! The funny thing is that he didn't even know he had a loose tooth. I think he gave up the thought of ever loosing a tooth! Then one night we asked him how his tooth was doing and he tried it out and the look of excitement that came across his face was incredible, he finally had not only a loose tooth, but a VERY loose one at that! He played around with it that night and finally Master Chief asked if he could wiggle it. Master Chief barely touched it and it fell right out. Kermit had no idea it came out even! He was so excited to put it under his pillow. He woke up to $5 the next day!!! Way to go, Kermit!!!

Miss Piggy has 2 loose teeth and Kermit has 1 right now. The Tooth Fairy might go broke soon! Mama is so behind in blogging, for her own records... this momentous event happened on November 13, 2011.