This week we celebrated our Daddy's 34th Birthday!!! Here are 34 things about our dad.
1- He likes to tease
2- He loves to listen to music
3- He sings in the shower
4- He is a hard worker
5- He loves to play X Box (suprise there, huh!)
6- He prefers Mayo over Miracle Whip
7- He loves to fish
8- He wishes he could hunt more
9- He likes to keep things clean and organized
10- He likes to get the mail like Mama does, and he'll race her to the mailbox
11-He is a farm boy
12- He loves to play board games
13- He hates to run
14- His dream is to design something and get a patent
15- He loves cheesecake
16- He hates rollercoasters
17- He has a firm testimony of our Savior
18- He has a soft spot in his heart for his girls
19- He loves to have one on one time with Kermit
20- There isn't much in the way of food that he doesn't like
21- He doesn't like breakfast for dinner
22- Mt Dew is his favorite drink
23- He likes to take things apart and fix them, especially electronics
24- He is working very hard to earn a 2nd degree in Engineering
25- He loves to be outdoors
26- He always puts his family first
27- He is extremely generous and giving to others
28- He loves to just play with his kids, soccer in the street, games at the table, takes them to the movies
29- He would love to take Mama to Europe
30- He loves to sleep in
31- He loves jerky
32- He loves it when the kids ask to rub his feet with lotion
33- He tells some hilarious stories of growing up with his brothers and sisters. (I'm not sure how any of them survived each other's 'ideas')
34- He would love a pet skunk
I could go on and on! Master Chief is the most amazing man. He is the world's best father, most supportive husband and a dedicated worker. We love him with all our hearts and are so thankful to have him as our Dad.
This Saturday’s Recipes by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago