I made it through the night and my contractions have settled down so we get to go home.... still pregnant! I'm 32 weeks today... exactly how far along I was with Miss Piggy when she abrupted and made an emergency arrival. So to get past this day, at home, will be fantastic!!! Thanks to everyone for your love and prayers.
Hallulujah. Seriously, I'm so grateful!
Yeah!!! I'm hoping you have 8 more weeks to go- but keep me posted! So grateful you're a blogger :) Sure love ya Jami-hang in there!
Glad to hear that you are back home. Hope that things keep cooking for a few more weeks.
Yay!! I'm so glad you're getting over the hump! I hope that little girl stays cooking for 6-7 more weeks!!
Hooray that you are still pregnant! Funny how most women can't wait to get the baby out...but you just want to keep her in! I know, I know... it's WAY too early for her to make her debut! Hope you're feeling okay.
So glad you are home!! So glad you are still pregnant!!
I had the same thing happen to me with Emmy! I'm glad you are home. Everything went well for me after that episode, so I hope it will do the same for you!
Oh my gosh Jami! I'm so glad that you are back home and still pregnant! If you can wait 4 weeks, we can have our babies the same day. I'm determined to have her at 39 weeks. I understand if you want to keep her cooking longer than 4 more weeks. :)
Im sorry you got so sick. Hospitols are so sucky! Im glad you are back home and that the baby is still cooking away! How wonderfull! Im saying lots of prayers for you, your fam and baby.
So glad that everything is okay!!! I love ya - you're amazing and I can't wait to meet this new little miss. :)
it's been a few days and I was just wondering how you are doing? and baby girl of course?!
Doing good! I'm off to the dr for a normal appt here in an hour, I should update then! Thanks for thinking of me and my sweet baby!
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